Vintage Moroccan M'guild

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Vintage Moroccan M'guild


6’ x 9’9” Vintage M’guild Moroccan rug. You can easily recognize Beni M’guild rugs by their heavy piles & tight knots. They are made of 100% natural wool and are antimicrobial and stain resistant. They have a tone-on-tone blend of colors that add a lot of poetry to every piece. This is how the weaver creatively transmits what she learned from her predecessors and communicates her story. The most beautiful vintage rugs in good condition are becoming hard to find. Traditionally the color purple signifies peace, royalty, luxury, elegance and mystery. They are made of 100% natural wool and are antimicrobial & stain resistant. if you are interested in this rug we can provide more photos. Free shipping and it arrives in 2-3 weeks.

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